
Our Team

Barbara Leu
Barbara Leu
Barbara made three commitments when she started the publication: increase widespread access to advanced education, find ways to improve on-campus and online teaching and learning, and advance learning and teaching with the help of research. She knew she could help people grow in their careers, so she advocated for online courses and certifications, and right now, many people are choosing online over in-person learning.
Betty Mount
Betty Mount
Executive Communications and Events Manager
Betty establishes the publication's reputation. She oversees the organizing of online events and develops more tools to assist diverse communities of practice in producing material that will serve as the foundation for communications. Betty also researches communication trends and best practices to ensure that Reliable Certified’s approach is up to date.
Daniel Gauthier
Daniel Gauthier
Program Director
Daniel is fully responsible for all parts of an organizational endeavor as a Program Director, including hiring employees, managing the budget, and advertising the program to prospective participants. His tasks include defining the program's scope, establishing deadlines, and delegating tasks to the team.
Judy Gaffney
Judy Gaffney
Associate Department Director
Judy is a highly driven, self-directed manager who excels at providing engaging customer service, developing and maintaining collaborative relationships, effectively prioritizing, proactively resolving problems, and managing numerous tasks concurrently with a high degree of accuracy.
Nicholas Dunneback
Nicholas Dunneback
Section Editor
Nicholas is accountable for every article's quality, making pre-decisions about every piece of content's relevance, collaborating with the editorial team to select qualified authors, providing a third review and editorial decision on blinded studies of the article prior to the Editor-in-final Chief's decision, and reviewing all writings layouts for publication.
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